One should always keep an eye on things, I agree, but comparing apples and oranges is never a good idea.

There is no way that they would slip in malicious code overnight like the people who bought Nano Adblocker. System1 is a company and would be compelled to change Waterfox’s privacy policy IF they want to collect user data, one would also see such changes on GitHub as Waterfox is open source. Waterfox being sold to System1 (company that also owns StartPage) can hardly be compared to that. However, the case of Nano Adblocker was rather special because it was sold to criminals(!) without prior notice, and those criminals were prepared to tqake advantage of the situation immediately. Can literally happen to any project if the owner sells out. You trying to tell me that anyone can sell out and change software over night? If so, then this is hardly surprising.